While I was shooting this last couple I saw my friend Cyndee who is a fellow photographer as well and awesome! Little did I know she was shooting photos of me while I was shooting the couple. She later sent these to me! Yes I do have a stool that I carry around to stand on- what? I am short okay☺!
Meet the Miles family. This is Jack- he is the smiliest (is that even a word) baby that I think I have ever seen. He seems to be so easy going and happy- what a doll! Mom and dad seem to have so much fun with him.
Meet Rosie and her dinosaur Rex. She felt a bit shy at first but soon warmed up to the camera. She has gorgeous blue eyes! She is such a character!!
This is about the last photos that the little ones would sit still for…look at the big hugs big sister likes to give little brother ☺. We decided that maybe it would be better to schedule on another day and go to the park and get some candids of the family playing. It is hard for little ones to take too many fine art photos.
Going to the park was great...the kids really seemed to relax and just forget the camera was even there. Rosie and Jack are so adorable! They loved to play and wander around on the playground!
I think one thing I love about what I do is watching families and capturing their playful moments. It seems like the young children years go by so fast and how important it is to take the time to just play.
You have a lifetime to work, but children are only young once. ~Polish Proverb
Doesn’t this family seem to be having such a great time? I loved that they all went down a slide together- it was really cute! I think they were definitely in their element playing at the park! Thanks again Miles family for letting me shoot your family!
I was hired to shoot a wedding in Salt Lake and had my little sister come and assist for me- she wanted to get some extra cash. She is such a doll. Here are pictures or Mandy and me taking pictures of ourselves while we wait for the bride and groom! We had some great girl time this weekend!!! Well, I have many many photos coming I promise…keep coming back…this week I will get a few sessions up!
I know I know....I am STILL behind on posting photos....I swear I can never get caught up. But expect many many weddings and some personal photos this week!! Check back yah hear!