They say: "Eyes are the windows to the soul." I couldn’t help but title this image that.

Doesn’t this photo leave you wondering what he is thinking…what is his story? What is he trying to tell us without words? The cool part about photography is that you get to choose the story- so, I want to know some of your thoughts…IF YOU ARE READING THIS (all four of you)…YOU MUST WRITE YOUR THOUGHT IN A COMMENT: in one statement…what do you think this boy is saying or thinking? Have it be the first thing that comes to your mind…can be ANYTHING...okay I will go first…first thing that pops into my mind is: “ Enjoy being present every moment.” Hmmmm…wise kid. Okay now you try. Lets see how different each person's perception is! I love to get comments!
Well, the time has come…I am working on (as we speak) an “Art Gallery” for my personal work where one can purchase different products. This addition will be available JUNE 2009!!! What are projective cards??? Wait for the next post and I will explain! ;)