After three INSANE years…graduation arrived this May. (this is a little late I know) For the last three years, I have been working on my Masters in counseling and hope to incorporate art and photography in therapy to provide an outlet for young people to be able to express themselves. Art/photography seems to capture a feeling that words can not do justice and I love being able to use photography in my work.
So, I am now free... free at last...from homework checklists, vending machine dinners, extra strength deodorant (worn on exam days), and juggling… juggling my insanely busy life. I am a FREE woman!!! So, my new years resolution…(oops-beginning in July) is to clean out my external hardrive and desktop ( both can’t seem to hold another image) and post these “forgotten photos"… and I mean posting often. I want this to be a place you look forward to visiting and escaping through photos and simple thoughts. I love hearing from you so- PALEEESSEEE leave comments!
COUPON: If you are a bride to be or a client to be- subscribe and make comments to this blog and receive 10% off your total package. Offer good for the rest of the year 2009!!! New Year Resolutions can start any time of the year right?
CONGRATS!!! Hats off to the grad!
Um... I wasn't finished.
If your post can be late than my congrats can be late, right?
I look forward to seeing your work. I heart it. :)
Dear Cristi,
Consider to join us for A Wonderous Woman Retreat
on August 13,14,and 15
The Wonderous Woman retreat program leads and encourages every woman to connect to all facets of her purpose and value. Our approach is to create experiential retreats in beautiful venues where you can connect to your mind, body and spirit.
It's easy to take care of everyone else in our lives, but we tend to forget about ourselves.
umm does this coupon still apply? because i am more than happy to subscribe and comment my heart out!! good blogs are the highlight of my day. graduation is a beautiful thing by the way!
I came across your blog because I knew Brooks way back when at BYU and saw your website on a photo you had taken on his FB profile. Beautiful stuff!
I just had to laugh that you are a photographer/therapist because my own husband is an MFT by day and a photographer by night. He has been wanting to start a foundation that teaches photography to challenged youth as a way to express themselves. Great minds think a like.
Congrats on graduation. Also, I just saw from Brooks' status update that you guys are expecting. So double congrats to you. (We are expecting a baby girl Feb. 5th). Exciting stuff!
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