I had the opportunity to volunteer and shoot some photos for the AAC Camp last month to put in their slideshow. Advancing Adventures in Communicating Camp is a day camp for children age 8-19 who use assistive technology to communicate. Children with cerebral palsy, developmental delay, Down syndrome, autism and other disabilities gather for a week in June at Idaho State University ISU in Boise. Children who attend camp use speech generating devices, a portable computer with voice output, to express their wants, needs, ideas and desires. With their devices the children can tell a joke, tell a story, read a book aloud and sing a song. The camp is a collaborative venture between ISU and St. Luke's Idaho Elks Rehabilitation Services. Graduate students in speech language pathology serve as camp counselors. This year a graduate student in counseling from ISU facilitated a support group for parents. Camp activities included swimming, indoor rock climbing, a wagon ride, arts & crafts, drama and panning for fake gold. A highlight of the week was the camp skits. Children who never had the opportunity to be on stage and say a line in a skit were given the chance to shine and be a star. By the end of the week, campers had made new friends, gained more confidence in their communication skills and shared a lot of fun and excitement. Parents have communicated that they are grateful that their child could have a camp experience just like other children who are the same age.This girl looks up as she watches her friends rock climning. I just loved her expression and the way the light hit her face!